I bought them because they're beautiful.
I envisioned a big bowl filled with yummy yarn, and the needles lounging on top.

churning out headbands in super bulky yarn. In garter stitch.
That's how it started....

As yarn that I could knit -- not just crochet.
I remember how much knitting meant to me, and how I hated to give it up when I developed pain in my right elbow while knitting. (Knitter's elbow?)
I don't know if it's because headbands are narrow, or because I'm not knitting for long periods of time as I used to, but my recent knitting has been pain-free.
I'm still crocheting a lot more than I knit, but I'm having a lot of fun right now with simple garter stitch. And I owe it all to those very big needles.